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NOBILE Guarantee

1. NOBILE snowboards are covered by a guarantee against any manufacturing defects for a period of 12 months from the moment of purchase (based on a receipt/invoice).

2. The guarantee applies exclusively to elements that were defective at the moment of purchase.

3. The guarantee does not include damage that occured as a result of inappropriate transport, storage, or use, as well as ordinary wear and tear (specifically in case of professional use), improper maintenance or modifications to the product.

4. The product is intended for snowboarding ( freeride, freestyle) practice only.

5. The only guarantee obligation of the NOBILE company is to repair or replace the defective product with another available model. Depending on the country, other specific guarantee regulations may apply. The guarantee is granted exclusively for products purchased at authorised Nobile sales networks, i.e. at sales outlets (shops, distributors, rental services, agencies) with a valid Nobile equipment distribution contract.

6. The guarantee is valid worldwide, regardless of the place of purchase of the Nobile product or the country where the defect was noticed in the product purchased.

7. The guarantee obligation is a separate third-party responsibility commitment of the seller for non-compliance of the product with the agreement. The consumer product guarantee does not exclude, restrict or suspend the rights of the purchaser resulting from the non-compliance of the product with the agreement under Article 13 para. 4 of the Act of 27 July 2002 on specific conditions of consumer sales and amending the Civil Code, Journal of Laws no. 141, item 1176 of 2002). The consumer shall have the right to choose between making claims based on the manufacturer's guarantee of quality and the seller's statutory responsibility.

8. To obtain more information or to submit any claims under the guarantee, please contact an authorised Nobile sales outlet. Any such claims should be submitted to the nearest authorised Nobile sales outlet and accompanied by the defective product together with the receipt as a proof of purchase.

Nobile snowboards may only be sold at authorised sales outlets.


Nobile Sports Sp. z o.o.
Wapienicka 24b, 43-382 Bielsko Biała
Phone: (+48) 33 822 42 40
Fax (+48) 33 81 62 423
E-mail: client.service@nobilesports.com